B12 IV infusion
If you’ve been walking around day to day feeling tired and lethargic for no reason, then it may be because you have a vitamin deficiency. The truth is, even though we try, we don’t get nearly enough of the vitamins we need on a daily basis, and taking supplements really just doesn’t do the trick. A particular cause of tiredness and fatigue is low B12. One way to get the vitamins we need, however, is with IV therapy. It is possible to get an IV treatment that includes B12 in the comfort of your own home without ever having to go to a doctor’s office.
What exactly does B12 do?
If you’re unfamiliar with what B12 does, it is one of the most important building blocks for our bodies. It creates red blood cells and DNA and is responsible for our energy level and dozens of other processes throughout the body. Without enough of it, we can become tired, listless, and even develop certain illnesses. This makes getting an IV treatment with B12 the fastest and most efficient way to get back on your feet.
It can help with a variety of illnesses and disorders. B12 shots are especially more recommended as we age. As we get older, there isn’t enough hydrochloric acid in our stomach. This acid is needed to absorb the vitamin B12 that’s present naturally in our food.Absorption of it requires many systems to function well together. The intake needs a full functioning stomach, pancreas, intrinsic factor, and small bowel.