How Long Do Chemical Peels Last?

Planning to get a peel to fight signs of sun damage or acne scars?

Have you read about the benefits of a chemical peel and feel it suits your cosmetic goal?

However, you may have a slight concern:

“How long do chemical peels last?”

Our expert dermatologists answer what you can expect from a peel and how long the results last.

Let’s get started!

Results To Expect from The Peel

Well, it depends on the type of chemical peel you use.

Superficial Chemical Peel

It results in peeling the outer layer of your skin, the epidermis. Superficial peels aid in the temporary management of acne, wrinkles, and dry skin.

The results of the peel may last between one to two months. However, you may need regular peeling if you have long-standing dry skin or frequent breakouts.

Medium Chemical Peel

The results are similar to the superficial peel but far more dramatic. The acids used in the peel remove the cells from the upper and middle layer of the skin.

A medium peel aids in removing moderate wrinkles, acne scars, and moderate hyperpigmentation.

Again, the result may last for one to two months, and you may need regular peels between two to six times a year to maintain the results.

Deep Chemical Peel

The action of the peel is intense, and you can get only one session of a deep peel in your lifetime. So, if you get a cosmetic concern in the future, you may need a light or medium peel.

Deep peels help manage serious concerns such as severe wrinkles and precancerous growths.

How Long Do Results Last?

Peeling lasts for three to five days, depending on the type of peel. Recovery time also varies based on strength and type of peel. Usually, the chemical and medium peel results last for one to two months. Superficial peels need more regular follow-up sessions to maintain the results than moderate peels. A deep peel can be done only once in your life.

How Does a Chemical Peel Work?

To chemically exfoliate the skin, this type of skin care treatment utilizes a combination of acids and other anti-aging components. The different strengths of these peels can be used to improve your skin and improve certain types of skin conditions. The dead cells on top of your skin will be removed to reveal the revitalized, youthful-looking skin that lies underneath.

What Can a Peel Be Used To Treat?

A variety of different skin imperfections can be improved using this treatment. Poor skin tone or texture, fine lines and wrinkles, sun damage, melasma, hyperpigmentation, and dull skin are just some of the skin-related issues that can benefit from a peel.

How To Prolong Your Results

To make the results you get from your peel even better, you can use professional skin care products that are high-quality and rich in nutrients. Your skin will better be able to absorb the beneficial properties of these products after you remove the layer of dead skin cells atop your skin with a peel.

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How long do chemical peels effect last?

Light peels are the most common type of cosmetic chemical peel treatment, but they also have the most variation in terms of results. A light peel generally lasts for about 1 to 2 months at a time when you first start using the treatment. Over time, the results of a light peel can last for about 6 months.