Healthy Skincare Tips

We live in a world where things are preferably done fast and easy than any other way and we’ve done so much in trying to defy process yet gain desired gratification instantly, with just some tap of our phone screen items are delivered to our door step, a pill can help one gain the strength of many days training, with a number of touches on ones face their dream look can be made up and so on. While the quick fix culture has helped in so many ways it has its issues.

Such that it allows people throw caution into the wind to live carelessly and without a strong drive towards what they want. However life itself supports diligence and anything short of the real process in some cases would only mask a solution prolong an havoc that out to be produced only through due process. English Oxford Dictionary defines Quick fix as an easy remedy or solution, especially a temporary one which fails to address underlying problems.

Skincare like any other reality has its process and if any reasonable progress must be made on the quality of the human skin due diligence must be given to the process hence we run you through a list of things you must do to get the supple, smooth and healthy skin you desire.

Always Apply Sunscreen

The use of sunscreen is non negotiable for a significant skin improvement, it is to be religiously used all day and in all seasons not just on sunny days. It’s advised that it be used every two hours regardless of being indoor or outdoor.

Studies show that daily UV rays exposure even from the computer screen and other electronic devices contributes to the visible signs of aging therefore it is always right to be on sunscreen plus results show that consistent use of sunscreen has the greatest impact in preventing accelerated aging and skin cancers.

Use the correct cleanser for your skin type.

Salicylic gel or benzoyl peroxide is good for oily and acne-prone skin, moisturizing glycolic or milky cleanser good for dry mature skin while for skin with brown spots or melasma brightening wash, such as an alpha hydroxy acid cleanser is preferable.

Never sleep with make up on

A lot of people have the habit of hitting the bed at night without wiping off their make up and this can disrupt the process towards a better skin as bacteria and particles from the  make up (such as; mascara and eyeliner) seep into the eyes, which can lead to irritation, discomfort, and potential eye infections.

Interestingly the solution for this is quite simple, wash your face before hitting the bed at night, and If you’re wearing oil-based concealer, use a solvent-based makeup removal.

Avoid many skincare products

Many people wear out their skin by applying too many products which can be harsh on the skin, resulting in more breakouts and clogged pores. One way to deal with this is to look out for expired or unused products, it’s a good way to start.

Also do away with anything that is irritating to your skin and if there are products similar in your collection look for the one with the higher percentage of active ingredient and stick to it.

Avoid picking your skin

This is an habit many people are capable of especially when stressed but can cause scarring and infection as fluids touch other unaffected parts.

Avoid smoking and heat exposure:

Smoking amongst many other of its effects has a record of causing dry skin, uneven skin pigmentation, baggy eyes, a saggy jawline, and deeper facial wrinkles and furrows.

However this is not just for active smokers but also for those who inhale it, hence one must consciously avoid smoke of any sort.

Finally you should also what out for sun or getting too close to heaters and fire places.

Stay consistent and keep it simple

Skincare is not magic, it’s a process and overnight transformation is only a facade hence over exfoliating and over-applying product would do more harm than good.

Always stay hydrated

Staying hydrated is a sure way to a glowing skin because water refreshes your body and helps maintain your skin’s elasticity. When you drink enough water of about 8 glasses per day you are less likely to suffer from scars, wrinkles, and soft lines, you also won’t show as many signs of aging as those who drink little amounts of water.

Eat healthy

You are almost as good as what you eat, eating healthy is a good way to look and feel great, it tells on both your health and skin, while unhealthy diet can damage your metabolism, cause weight gain, and damage vital body organs such as your heart and liver.

So you might want to begin eating healthy from now if you haven’t already started, some skin friendly food include; fatty fish, walnut, avocados, sweet potatoes, tomatoes, soy and green tea to mention a few.

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