Back Facial Treatment

Ok ladies when was the last time you looked at your back. Not your backside, your actual back? Lol. Did you notice anything? Is it dry looking, do you have acne, is there scarring?

You might be surprised when you look at your skin on your back. Our back is so neglected when it comes to proper maintenance and skincare. This is crazy to me! Especially in warm climates like L.A. or during the summer months we are always showing more skin. When we have our bikinis on, or a slinky satin dress with our back out, our back is on display.

Now if you noticed that your skin could use a little love I got you. Have you heard of a back facial? Yes, a back facial treatment or as some like to call it a “Bacial.”

When it comes to skincare, it shouldn’t be all about your face, neck, and legs. Come on, your back also deserves pampering. With summer just around the corner, now is the time to get ready. Before you know it will be time to flaunt some skin at the pool or beach.

Did you know your back can also have skin distress? It can and it comes in the form of back dryness, irritation, and acne. You need to give your back the same care and attention you give your neck and face. 

Back Facial For Acne

Back Acne can be very painful and unpleasant. A back facial for acne improves both the appearance and tone of your skin. A Bacial for acne is great for that annoying acne. A Back Facial for acne will soften and clarify your back. Back acne has the same characteristics as facial acne, including the appearance of pimples, blackheads, whiteheads, red spots, oily skin, and even scarring. 

It is important to remember your at-home care too when it comes to treating back acne. One of the most common causes of acne is that it is just dirty. I get it though. It is very hard to reach you back to properly cleanse it. So I would suggest buying a cleansing brush that can reach back there so that you can thoroughly give your back a nice washing.

Also wearing tight bras, re-wearing dirty bras, sweating a lot, dirty bath towels, and hair care products can cause back acne. So be mindful of these things, take precautions.

Back Facial Extraction

Just like you get extractions for the face you can also get back facial extractions. Back Facial Extraction help with cleansing the pores by dislodging buildup caused by oil and dirt. This helps clear pores giving your back a clean canvas appearance. 

By dislodging this buildup all your other skincare products you use at home will be able to work effectively because there is no longer any oil or dirt blocking.

Extractions take care of unwanted breakouts. I would say that rather than doing at-home extractions, please go to a professional who knows how to do proper extractions that will not live any scarring like hyperpigmentation.